About NIL

The Norwegian Association of Interior Architects and Furniture Designers (NIL) is a national NGO organizing interior architects and furniture designers who have completed an MA. NIL was founded in 1945. Only members of NIL can use MNIL (Member of NIL) in his or her title.

NIL secures the professional and legal interests of our members and works to promote the profession and its visibility.

The purpose of the association
NIL is a professional ideal members organization that secures the professional and legal interests of our members. We work to promote interior architecture and furniture design as value creators in the society.

NIL is to be an attractive professional ideal organization for interior architects and furniture designers.

Secure a high level of professionality amongst Norwegian interior architects and furniture designers


Make the society aware of the profession of interior architects and furniture designers and their competence

Strengthen the societal relevance of interior architecture and furniture design

Be a relevant professional and social arena to our members

NILs Strategi og handlingsplan 2023-2026

    Fees 2024

    The fee is deductible in the tax form

    The fee (not the subscription for the magazines) for professional NGOs is deductible on the tax form as far as NOK 5800,- (2022). You need to add the receipt of paid fee yourself.


    Regular members

    The fee for regular members is NOK 4075,- as of January 2024.

    Members of AFAG get a reduction on this fee by NOK 650,-
    All regular members pay local group fee in addition to the NIL fee.

    Subscription on Arkitektur and arkitektur.no is obligatory,
    NOK 1111,- + NOK 829,- = NOK 1940,-


    The first and second year after finished MA

    In 2013 NIL decided to grade the fee the first two years after finishing your MA.

    The first year after finishing your MA: Student conditions apply. The fee is NOK 390,- per year + local group fee.

    The second year after finishing your MA: You have full rights as a member, the fee is NOK 2455,- per year + obligatory subscription on the magazines, to a reduced price NOK 1455,- + local group fee.
    Members of AFAG get a reduction on this fee by NOK 650,-


    Pensioners, disabled and GIG

    Members will automatically be registered as pensioners the year they turn 70.
    Members who choose to retire earlier, who retires with AFP and has a very low income can apply for reduced fee.
    As of January 2023 the fee is NOK 625,-
    Subscription on Arkitektur and arkitektur.no is obligatory,
    NOK 1111,- + NOK 829,- = NOK 1940,-



    Student membership: NOK 390,-
    Voluntary subscription for Arkitektur and arkitektur.no via
    NALThis membership gives you 50% discount.

    • arkitektur.no, digital subscription: NOK 415,-
    • Arkitektur, 6 issues a year: NOK 556,-

    Extended student membership

    Extended student membership: NOK 390,-
    Voluntary subscription for Arkitektur and arkitektur.no via NALThis membership gives you 50% discount.

    • arkitektur.no, digital subscription: NOK 415,-
    • Arkitektur, 6 issues a year: NOK 556,-


    • arkitektur.no, digital subscription: NOK 829,-
    • Arkitektur, 6 issues a year: NOK 1111,-

    Members married to another member of NIL, NAL, or NLA has to pay for, and receives only one copy of each magazine.

    Local group fee

    Not all of NIL’s local groups has a fee.

    • The Oslo group: NOK 200,-
    • The Vestfold and Telemark group: NOK 200,-
    • The Møre group: NOK 200,-
    • The Bergen group: NOK 200,-


    • For members married to another member of NIL, there is a spouse discount
      on 25 % for one of them.
    • Membership in AFAG, Arkitektbedriftene or Forskerforbundet qualifies for a yearly discount of NOK 650,-

    Application for reduced fees

    One can apply for reduced fees and subscription costs when the full fee becomes especially cumbersome. We consent to reduced fees when this occurs:

    • illness
    • maternity leave wihout pay
    • unemployment
    • military/ civil service
    • continued education without pay

    A written, well-founded application is required. Documentation has to be attached, i.e. notice of redundancy notice, confirmation of dismissal, documentation from NAV or your tax form.

    Extent/ exceptions:

    • Exemption is given ½ -1 year at a time, in relation to the degree of reduced income
    • Exemption can be given for the subscription of magazines, depending on the degree of reduced income. Members married to another member of NIL, NAL, or NLA has to pay for, and receives only one copy of each magazine
    • Reduced fee is not consent when being on a leave with payment
    • Disabled members pay the pensioner fee
    • Members living abroad for over six months does not pay the local group fee


    Signing out as a member of NIL

    When a member wish to sign out of the membership in NIL, please send a written notice to the administration by the end of each semester, at the latest June 30th and December 31st. The administration will confirm the signing out in writing. Overdue fees have to be paid in full. Already paid fee will not be refunded.



    Oslo bys arkitekturpris 2021, påmeldingsfrist 19. februar

    Oslo bys arkitekturpris 2021, påmeldingsfrist 19. februar

    Med Oslo bys arkitekturpris vil kommunen hedre ny, god arkitektur som er et tilskudd til byen og byens utvikling. Målet med prisen er å stimulere til økt interesse for arkitektur og byutvikling i Oslo, og å vise frem den nyeste og beste Oslo-arkitekturen. Påmeldingen for 2021 er åpen.

    Hvem kan få prisen?

    Bygg eller landskapsarkitektur som er nyskapende og fremragende, og som har høy kvalitet på konsept og gjennomføring kan vinne prisen.

    Bygg må ha blitt ferdigstilt foregående år (2020) og landskapsanlegg de siste fem år (perioden 2016-2020). Prisen kan gis til alle typer byggverk og landskapsanlegg innenfor bygrensen.

    Les mer




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