Why become a member?

MNIL – Member of NIL – the trade’s seal of approval
Through promotion of our subject area, influencing the authorities and cooperation with other organizations, NIL works to improve the framework- and working conditions of our members.

NIL promotes our member’s professional interests and works hard to ensure a high level of interior architecture and furniture design in Norway.

Our members can upload their profile and portfolio through the NIL database, and market themselves towards customers and journalists. NIL can help and give assistance in questions of professional character. As a member of NIL you will become part of a network of equal professionals.

What NIL offers our members:

  • Marketing of own business and portfolio on the NIL website
  • Professional presentation of projects in the NIL Yearbook INTERIØR&MØBLER
  • Short talks with lawyer regarding your business, free of charge
  • Further communication regarding invitations to competitions and tenders
  • Access to the Members only site on the NIL website
  • Contract forms specifically designed for our members
  • Performance description to reduced price
  • Courses to discounted prices
  • Subscription on arkitektur.no and Arkitektur (a public magazine writing about interior architecture, architecture and landscape architecture) six issues per year, included in the dues
  • Free subscription on Architektur Innenarchitektur Technischer Ausbau (AIT) 10 issues per year
  • Newsletters on email
  • Discounts from several stores
  • Markedsplassen: Buying and selling of goods and services