Forelesning i regi av ECIA fredag 21.02 kl. 11-12: Exchanging Knowledge del 5 med Dr. Joanna Cloy i samtale med Mathew Freeman


ECIA ønsker velkommen til den femte forelesningen i serien Exchanging Knowledge fredag 21. februar. Denne fredagsformiddagen får vi høre Dr. Joanna Cloy og Mathew Freeman diskutere hvordan vi kan bygge trygge og bærekraftige innendørsmiljøer og dermed framtidige samfunn ved å eliminere farlige kjemikalier i interiørarkitektur. 


“Prioritizing Health and Wellbeing: Safe by Design and Avoiding Harmful Chemicals”
By Dr. Joanna Cloy In conversation with Mathew Freeman

In this month’s lecture, Dr. Joanna Cloy and Mathew Freeman discuss how we can build safe and sustainable indoor environments and therefore future societies by eliminating harmful chemicals in interior design.

Planetary pollution is one of humankind’s greatest challenges, impacting people, wildlife, and the environment. This lecture gives an insight about harmful compounds that can be found in everyday interiors and discusses safe-by-design solutions. Sharing her expertise as an environmental scientist, Dr. Joanna Cloy elaborates on necessary policy and industry actions to protect health and the environment for a safe circular economy in interior design.

ATLAS: Exchanging Knowledge is a free lecture series run by the European Council of Interior Architects as part of the EU funded project Building on Connections for a Stronger Profession. It promotes the release of the ATLAS Archive on 25th April 2025. ATLAS Archive is a pioneering digital repository that centralizes knowledge within the interior architecture discipline, serving as an integral resource for interior architects, designers, researchers, students, and other professionals. To find the latest events, visit ATLAS Exchanging Knowledge on YouTube or find them on the soon-to-be-launched ATLAS Archive under

Fredag 21.februar 2025
Klokken 11-12
ZOOM Webinar

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