Ron Bakker, PLP Architecture om bl.a. The Edge, Amsterdam. Foredragsholder på NILs fagdag 7. april 2018

Ron Bakker, PLP Architecture om bl.a. The Edge, Amsterdam. Foredragsholder på NILs fagdag 7. april 2018

Deloitte: The Edge
The Edge in Amsterdam is now three years old and the project is often at the centre of discussions about digital technologies and how they are disrupting the way we are using our buildings and cities.

How should architecture respond to these sometimes quite dramatic innovations? Is this just some stuff hidden in the ceiling? Or are we seeing the first glimpses of a revolution in the design of our built environments.

Ron will talk about The Edge, but also about earlier projects that deal with technical and environmental influences, as well as some recent projects in London that re-establish the idea of workspace.

Program for fagdagen:
Siri Yran og Kristin Schanche, Designit: Design what matters
Ron Bakker, PLP Architects.
Deloitte: The Edge, Amsterdam
Bente Sollid Storehaug. Nådeløs digitalisering - hva skjer?
Kristin Sæterhaug, Eggen arkitekter. I samspill med NTNU eiendom: Ny læringsarena med teknologi som driver
Kim Baumann Larsen. XR - morgendagens teknologi for kommunikasjon og design av arkitektur

Fagdagen er åpen for alle, meld deg på her: lenke

The Edge, Amsterdam. Deloitte's Amsterdam HQ becomes world's most sustainable office building. The Edge was awarded an
The Edge, Amsterdam. Deloitte's Amsterdam HQ becomes world's most sustainable office building. The Edge was awarded an "Outstanding" rating with the highest ever BREEAM score of 98.36 percent. Photo: Ronald Tilleman