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UKS: Søknad om deltakelse på INCA recidence program

INCA residence program in Detroit during the spring 2012.

Unge kunstneres samfunn (UKS) and INSTITUTE FOR NEO-CONNOTATIVE ACTION (INCA) announce a new residence program
in Detroit, open for Norwegian based artists, poets, scholars and curators.

Les mer her.

Søknadsfrist 15. november 2011.

Konkurranse: WAN Interior Design Awards


The world’s leading resource for architects and interior designers, the WAN Interior Design Awards is a major international competition open to architects and interior designers.

Enter the awards for a unique opportunity to impress clients, motivate your team and secure work through exposure to our readership of over 200,000 architects, manufacturers, designers and clients from over 120 countries.

Not only will your entry have a guaranteed listing on waninteriors.com, the shortlisted and winning entries will also feature in INSIDE, our monthly roundup of the world’s best interiors and design stories, providing maximum exposure for your projects.

To find out more contact Rachel Cruz on rachel.cruz@wantoday.com or call +44(0)1273 648938.

Early Bird Deadline ends 12 November 2011.

To enter click here


Wayne Hemingway – Co-founder Hemingway Design
Mark Davison –Head of Design, YOO Design Studio
Fiona Livingston – Co-founder and Director at Studiofibre
Nico Yainnikkou – Creative Director at Y2DC
Cathy Strongman – Freelance journalist
Lee Hallman – Head of Candy & Candy Design



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