Stilling som PhD student på heltid?

Ved høgskolen i Akershus, på fakultet for produktdesign, søknadsfrist 25. janaur 2011.

Akershus University College thrives to be a leading university college both in Norway and internationally in its own specialized fields. We offer 14 Bachelor degrees, 5 Master’s degrees, 1 Ph.D as well as a wide range of adult education and further education courses. The university college has approximately 3900 students and 300 employees, located in modern facilities at Lillestrøm closely linked to the research environment at Kjeller.
The board of directors at Oslo University College and Akershus University College have voted in favour of a merger of the two institutions. The decision awaits royal resolution on January 27th 2011 and the two institutions will then become Oslo and Akershus University College from august 1st 2011.

Mer informasjon her.

Jobbtype: Engasjement
Heltid/Deltid: Heltid
Arbeidstid: Dag
Søknadsfrist: 25th of January 2011
Arbeidssted: Lillestrøm/Oslo
Referansenummer: 10/51

Kontaktpersoner: Dean Petter Øyan
mob: +47 928 83 563

Professor Astrid Skjerven
mob: +47 99507023