Ny president i European Council of Interior Architects (ECIA)
Under ECIAs generalforsamling i London 20. september ble det valgt ny president og nytt styre. Per Reinholtz er organisasjonens nye president.
Svenske Reinholtz etterfølger nederlandske Joke van Hengstum. Reinholtz har lang fartstid i organisasjonen som tidligere styremedlem og som president av den svenske organisasjonen. Han er interiørarkitekt, og driver kontoret Reinholtz og Ronnemark Arkitekter i Växsjö, Sverige, og underviser også på universitet.
Han sier dette om sitt forestående presidentskap:
"The aims of ECIA are clear. My and the new boards aim is to further strengthen and intensify the contacts between ECIA and its members, the national organizations. The success of our networking mission is depending on reaching out to new members and countries in Europe."
Videre skriver pressemeldingen:
Joke van Hengstum will support the board for one more year as past president. Under her leadership ECIA evolved as a strong organisation with good connections to the national members. An important step was the updating of the European Charter for interior architecture training, adopted in 2013 by all 16 member organisations.
Anja Dirks from the Netherlands was elected as new board member. She replaces Hallgrimur Friðgeirsson of Island. Furthermore Jan Geysen, Belgium, was re-elected into the executive committee and Marianne Daepp of Switzerland affirmed as treasurer. The board consists of two more members: Carlo Beltramelli of Italy and Elke Kaiser, Germany, as secretary general.