Månedens produkt: NOMI

Design: Møbeldesigner

Peter Opsvik

Nomi-stolen skal kunne justeres for å passe barn i alle aldre, fra spedbarn til skolebarn. Setet og fotstøtten kan med enkelhet justeres opp og ned langs stolstammen, uten bruk av verktøy. På denne måten kan stolen brukes av barn i ulike størrelser og med ulik kroppsfasong. Stolen kan også justeres til en horisontal stilling for spedbarn. Nomi er opprettet med en ambisjon om å lage en barnestol som inspirerer til bevegelse. Den skal invitere barnet til å bevege seg fritt og gi mulighet til mange komfortable sittestillinger og på denne måten bidra til å utvikle barnets motorikk og gi økt velvære.

 Foto: Peter Opsvik



NOMI; a chair for different age groups
The nomi chair is adjustable to fit children of all ages; from infants to schoolchildren. The seat and footrest can easily be moved up and down along the central stem. When the wanted height of the seat and footrest are ensured, due to the angular stem the child also get a good and comfortable sitting depth and back support.
The adjustment is so easy and no tools are needed. This is especially important in situations where many children that vary in size and shapes use the same chair. Such situations may be the grandparents’ house, in cafes or restaurants, or in kindergartens, school and hospitals.

For the small baby Nomi Bouncer is ideal. It can be adjusted from a horizontal to a more upright position.
Once your child is able to sit unaided with a balanced upper body, the chair may be transformed into a highchair with a safety rail. When the child is able to climb in and out of the chair, the rail may be removed.


Chair for active children:
Seat and foot plate provide a stable and safe surface for your child, a necessity for development of good motor skills. As the plates have no obstructing side borders the child can easily climb in or out of the chair. This open solution also allows the child to sit actively; sideways or even back to front.
The backrest is designed to provide excellent support for the upper body at the same time allowing free arm movements. Armrests are incorporated in the backrest.
The footplate has a knob in front giving the child two possible heights for foot support as well as something to push against. The waterfront curvature of the seat is ideal for active sitting. The friction of the surface of the plastic parts increases comfort prevents the child from sliding off the seat and makes climbing in and out of the chair safer.


Materials / Construction
The rounded plastic parts are supported by a central stem made of wood. This gives the chair a sculptural aesthetics, playful and inspirational. Nomi has wheels on the rear two legs feet of the footbase, this facilitates the moving the chair from one place to the next, but perhaps more importantly; it reduces the risk of tipping backwards.
When not in use the nomi can be lifted off the floor and supported on the tabletop.


Se flere prosjekter av Peter Opsvik her.